Customize email notifications

In your account you set which notifications you want to receive.

Sign in   Create Account

My events

  • Chat message
  • A participant provided his or her availability
  • All participants have responded
  • Invitation not delivered
  • Participant’s name/email changed
  • A participant ended his or her participation


  • Event modified
  • Event cancelled
  • Chat message
  • Availability provided
  • Change availability by organizer
  • Final date set
  • Final date changed/unset
  • Scheduled
  • Set availability reminder
  • Event reminder
  • Additional message

Log in or create an account to customize the notifications.

Block email address?

To ensure you won't receive any messages from anymore we will add your email address to a blocked address list. This is the only way we can prevent other users sending you invites or event information using this email address in the future.

Furthermore, will remove your account and any events you generated. Other users will keep the opportunity to send you messages about using their own email.

Block your email address here.