2024 Online open intervisie Vraagkracht

Organized by Paut Struik


Please indicate your participation in the next step.


Leuk dat je meedoet! Lees aub het bijgevoegde document door voor de spelregels. Daar staat alles in over de manier waarop we factureren, hoe je kunt afmelden of data wijzigen, etc. En bij twijfel: mail of app me even en ik help je met plezier verder. Tot ziens op het scherm!
paut-struik@vraagkracht.nl 06-22050810


  • https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89499095793

When will you participate?

Fri 12 January, 09:30 - 11:30 Paut
5/8 Registrations
There are no responses yet.
Fri 2 February, 09:30 - 11:30 Thea, Hetty, Paut
10/24 Registrations
There are no responses yet.
Fri 1 March, 09:30 - 11:30 Paut, Thea, Hetty
8/24 Registrations
There are no responses yet.
Fri 5 April, 09:30 - 11:30 Hetty, Thea, Paut
8/24 Registrations
There are no responses yet.
Fri 17 May, 09:30 - 11:30 Thea, Paut
5/16 Registrations
There are no responses yet.
Fri 7 June, 09:30 - 11:30 Paut
8/8 Registrations (No vacancy)
There are no responses yet.
Fri 5 July, 09:30 - 11:30 Paut
7/8 Registrations
There are no responses yet.


Who are you?

We need your name and email address to inform the organizer of your participation.

    We guarantee your privacy and won't share your personal data with third parties.

    Creating an account is not necessary. Do you have an account? Then you can also log in.

    Please refer to our privacy and cookie statement for more information on how we handle personal data.